EmblemeEmblem 49. Of the Secrets of Nature.
The PhilosophicallPhilosophical infant is, as Orion, the SonneSon of three fathers.
Emblema XLIX. De Secretis Naturæae.
Infans Philosophicus tres agnoscit patres, ut Orion.
FUGA XLIX. in 5. suprà. vertendo Basin seu fugientem vocem
FUGA XLIX. in 5. suprà. vertendo Basin seu fugientem vocem
&et incipiendo ab initio in d. sic vertendo simplicem
&et incipiendo in fine g.
Der Philosophische Kind erkennet drey Vätter /
wie der Orion.

EpigrammeEpigram 49.
Vulcan with Hermes and Apollo did
Their seed inject into an oxes hide,
Whence produced was the great Orion:
Three fathers allsoalso hathhas the SophickeSophic SonneSon;
The SunneSun is first, Vulcan the next is stil'dstyled
The artist is third father of this Child.
Epigramma XLIX.
Fabula narratur, Phœoebus, Vulcanus &et Hermes
In pellem bubulam semina quod suerint;
Trésque Patres fuerint magni simul Orionis:
Quin Sobolem Sophiæae sic tripatrem esse ferunt:
Sol etenim primus, Vulcanus at esse secundus
Dicitur, huic præaestans tertius arte pater.
XLIX. Epigrammatis Latini versio Germanica.
Das Phœoebus, Mercurius und der Fewrgott / wie Fablen zeigen an /
Haben in ein Rindes Haut ihrn kräfftigen Samen gethan /
Und seynd drey Vätter zugleich geworden deß grossen Orions,
Also sagt man / daß da seynd drey Vätter der Weißheit Sohns /
Denn die Sonn der erste / Vulcanus der ander wirt erkennet /
Und der Künstler der dritt / dessn Vatter ist genennet.
Those women, which prostitute themselves to variety of men, doedo sel=
domeseldom conceive lively children through the confusion of diversdiverse seeds: -
for nature in the generation of man and the most part of animallsanimals ad=
mittsadmits noeno superfœtationsuperfetation, except perhaps very rarely: and therefore -
every offspring is produced from one onelyonly father and mother, whether
it be one or more, as is allsoalso manifest by historyeshistories and the event of -
some supposing otherwise; in the first place of MargarettMargaret the wife of
Herman EarleEarl of Henneberge, who, in the year 1276, brought forth
three hundred and sixty five children, which were all baptized, -
and the males called by the name of John, and the females Eliza=
beth, their grave being dead is yet to be seen in the Church of Laus=
dune, one mile distant from the Hague towards the Sea in Holland,
together with the brazen bason, in which they were baptized, and an
inscription of the story: The cause alleadgdalleged was, that the CountesseCountess,
seingseeing a poor woman carry two children twinnstwins in her armesarms, calldcalled her
adulteresseadulteress, as if it was impossible for more children to be borneborn at one
conception by one man, but necessarily by severallseveral: Whereupon an im=
precation being made by the poor woman, who knew her selfeself clear -
of that accusation, the CountesseCountess conceived in her wombewomb at one time
and by one man soeso many children, as there are dayesdays in the year:
This is indeed a miracle, but a naturallnatural workework, which happened -
through the vengeance of God: But in the PhilosophicallPhilosophical workework-
that, which is otherwise contrary to nature, is easily admitted under
the veyleveil of an allegory: For here one infant is saydsaid to have three fa=
thers, or allsoalso two, as allsoalso mothers: Hereupon saythsays Raymund cited by the -
Rosary; Our infant hathhas two fathers and two mothers, and because heehe
with his whole substance is tenderly nourished in fire, heehe therefore -
never dyesdies: SoeSo Dionysus or Bacchus is saydsaid to have two mothers, who -
was rip'dripped out of his mothers belly (being burned) before the time of his
maturity, and matured in his fathers thigh, soeso that the father became
a mother: But these things are better declared in the conception of -
Orion, who is saydsaid to be produced from the seed of Apollo, Vulcan,
and Mercury mixdmixed together, and præservdpreserved in the hide of an OxeOx for
the space of tenneten monethsmonths: These things would be alltogetheraltogether mon*
strous, not onelyonly fabulous, if a secret of nature were not compre=
hended under these shrouds, not obvious to all men. Lully in the-
TheorickeTheoric of his Testament attributes to the same PhilosophicallPhilosophical -
infant soeso many and allmostalmost the same fathers, namely Sol, who
is Apollo,
Discourse 49.
Those women, which prostitute themselves to variety of men, doedo sel=
domeseldom conceive lively children through the confusion of diversdiverse seeds: -
for nature in the generation of man and the most part of animallsanimals ad=
mittsadmits noeno superfœtationsuperfetation, except perhaps very rarely: and therefore -
every offspring is produced from one onelyonly father and mother, whether
it be one or more, as is allsoalso manifest by historyeshistories and the event of -
some supposing otherwise; in the first place of MargarettMargaret the wife of
Herman EarleEarl of Henneberge, who, in the year 1276, brought forth
three hundred and sixty five children, which were all baptized, -
and the males called by the name of John, and the females Eliza=
beth, their grave being dead is yet to be seen in the Church of Laus=
dune, one mile distant from the Hague towards the Sea in Holland,
together with the brazen bason, in which they were baptized, and an
inscription of the story: The cause alleadgdalleged was, that the CountesseCountess,
seingseeing a poor woman carry two children twinnstwins in her armesarms, calldcalled her
adulteresseadulteress, as if it was impossible for more children to be borneborn at one
conception by one man, but necessarily by severallseveral: Whereupon an im=
precation being made by the poor woman, who knew her selfeself clear -
of that accusation, the CountesseCountess conceived in her wombewomb at one time
and by one man soeso many children, as there are dayesdays in the year:
This is indeed a miracle, but a naturallnatural workework, which happened -
through the vengeance of God: But in the PhilosophicallPhilosophical workework-
that, which is otherwise contrary to nature, is easily admitted under
the veyleveil of an allegory: For here one infant is saydsaid to have three fa=
thers, or allsoalso two, as allsoalso mothers: Hereupon saythsays Raymund cited by the -
Rosary; Our infant hathhas two fathers and two mothers, and because heehe
with his whole substance is tenderly nourished in fire, heehe therefore -
never dyesdies: SoeSo Dionysus or Bacchus is saydsaid to have two mothers, who -
was rip'dripped out of his mothers belly (being burned) before the time of his
maturity, and matured in his fathers thigh, soeso that the father became
a mother: But these things are better declared in the conception of -
Orion, who is saydsaid to be produced from the seed of Apollo, Vulcan,
and Mercury mixdmixed together, and præservdpreserved in the hide of an OxeOx for
the space of tenneten monethsmonths: These things would be alltogetheraltogether mon*
=strous, not onelyonly fabulous, if a secret of nature were not compre=
hended under these shrouds, not obvious to all men. Lully in the-
TheorickeTheoric of his Testament attributes to the same PhilosophicallPhilosophical -
infant soeso many and allmostalmost the same fathers, namely Sol, who
is Apollo,
Discourse 49.
or the cœlestiallcelestial Sol is the first author of this generation, -
who by his ineffable virtue occult or astrallastral power operates upon a -
certainecertain matter knowneknown to the Philosophers, as upon the matrix -
of a woman, and therein producethproduces a SonneSon or infant like to himselfehimself,
to whomewhom afterwards heehe will leave and resigneresign his armesarms and ensigns -
of virtues, by paternallpaternal right, that is, the faculty of maturing things im=
mature, and the energy of tinging and purging things not tinged nor
purged. For whatsoever Sol is able to perfect in a thousand years, that
will his SonneSon performeperform in halfehalf an hourehour; That therefore virtue -
may be made a thousand times stronger in him, than in Sol, his fa=
ther delivers him to Vulcan and the Artist together for education, that -
his generous disposition may be polished and multiplydmultiplied in virtues by
their means; for manifest it is that to practice from a child conducethconduces
much: SoeSo Achilles, Jason, Hercules were coḿittedcommitted to Chiron to be in=
structed for the same end. For Milo the Crotonian, who being a boy -
carryedcarried a calfecalf, when a man carryedcarried an OxeOx by customecustom. Besides Sol,
Vulcan and the artist are not erroniouslyerroneously reputed the fathers of this
child, because as heehe was the first, they made him to be such and soeso
great: NoeNo æquivalentequivalent compensation can be made to Masters for in=
stitution, as neither reward to parents for generation. These compose
the body, those the mind. If the mind be better than the body, noeno
lesseless recompencerecompense is due to those, than to these. In the production of -
Orion Mercury contributed matter, Apollo formeform, and Vulcan heat, or
the externallexternal efficient cause: SoeSo allsoalso in the PhilosophicallPhilosophical workework
it is proper for three fathers to be seen to have conspired for the pro=
creation of one infant, in whomewhom the Philosophers take great delight.
who by his ineffable virtue occult or astrallastral power operates upon a -
certainecertain matter knowneknown to the Philosophers, as upon the matrix -
of a woman, and therein producethproduces a SonneSon or infant like to himselfehimself,
to whomewhom afterwards heehe will leave and resigneresign his armesarms and ensigns -
of virtues, by paternallpaternal right, that is, the faculty of maturing things im=
mature, and the energy of tinging and purging things not tinged nor
purged. For whatsoever Sol is able to perfect in a thousand years, that
will his SonneSon performeperform in halfehalf an hourehour; That therefore virtue -
may be made a thousand times stronger in him, than in Sol, his fa=
ther delivers him to Vulcan and the Artist together for education, that -
his generous disposition may be polished and multiplydmultiplied in virtues by
their means; for manifest it is that to practice from a child conducethconduces
much: SoeSo Achilles, Jason, Hercules were coḿittedcommitted to Chiron to be in=
structed for the same end. For Milo the Crotonian, who being a boy -
carryedcarried a calfecalf, when a man carryedcarried an OxeOx by customecustom. Besides Sol,
Vulcan and the artist are not erroniouslyerroneously reputed the fathers of this
child, because as heehe was the first, they made him to be such and soeso
great: NoeNo æquivalentequivalent compensation can be made to Masters for in=
stitution, as neither reward to parents for generation. These compose
the body, those the mind. If the mind be better than the body, noeno
lesseless recompencerecompense is due to those, than to these. In the production of -
Orion Mercury contributed matter, Apollo formeform, and Vulcan heat, or
the externallexternal efficient cause: SoeSo allsoalso in the PhilosophicallPhilosophical workework
it is proper for three fathers to be seen to have conspired for the pro=
creation of one infant, in whomewhom the Philosophers take great delight.
Mulieres, quæae se variis prostituunt viris, rarò sobolem viva-
cem concipiunt ex confusione diversorum seminum; Natura
enim in generatione hominis &et animalium plæaerorumque non ad-
mittit superfœoetationem, nisi fortè rarissimè: Hinc ex unico patre &et
matre proles quæaecunque nascitur, sive sit una aut plures, ut quoque
ex historiis &et eventu aliter judicantium patet, inprimis Margaritæae
illius Hermanni comitis Hennebergiæae uxoris, quæae anno 1276. tre-
centos &et sexaginta quinque enixa est pueros, quorum omnium ba-
ptisatorum, &et masculorum, Johannis, fœoeminarum Elisabethæae no-
mine vocatorum, post demortuorum sepultura in Lausdunensi
templo, uno miliari distante Haga comitum versus mare, in Hol-
landia, adhuc cum pelvi æaerea, in qua baptizati sint, &et inscriptione
historiæae, adhuc visitur: causam dicunt, quod Comitissa videns pau-
perculam mulierem gemellos in ulnis gestare, eam adulteram vo-
cârit, quasi impossibile fit, ut plures liberi uno conceptu ex uno vi-
ro, sed ex diversis, necessariò ederentur: Unde imprecatione facta
à paupere, quæae se ab eo crimine puram noverat, quotquot dies in
anno sunt, tot ipsa concepit in utero uno tempore &et ex uno viro: Mi-
raculum hoc quidem est, at naturale opus, quod ex divinia ultione
contigit: In opere autem Philosophico quod alias naturæae adver-
sum est, facilè admittitur sub allegoriæae vestimento: Hic enim unus
fœoetus tres dicitur habere patres vel etiam binos, ut &et matres. Hinc
Raymundus, ut citat Rosarius, noster, inquit, infans habet duos
patres &et duas matres: &et quia ipse charè nutritus est ex tota substan-
tia in igne, propter quod nunquam moritur: Ita Dionysus seu Bac-
chus bimater appellatur, quem immaturum combustâ matre ex e-
jus vẽtreventre eripuit &et femori suo insuit, ut pater mater factus sit: Sed
hæaec magis declarãturdeclarantur in Orionis conceptu, ɋqui ex Apollinis, Vulcanii
&et Mercurii commixtis seminibus in pelle bubula inclusis per 10
menses, natus dicitur: Monstrosa hæaec essent omnino, non tantùm
fabulosa, nisi arcanum naturæae sub his involucris lateret, non omnib.omnibus
obvium. Lullius in Theorica testamenti eidem fœoetui Philosophico
tot &et ferè eosdem attribuit patres, nempe Solem, qui est Apollo
Mulieres, quæae se variis prostituunt viris, rarò sobolem viva-
cem concipiunt ex confusione diversorum seminum; Natura
enim in generatione hominis &et animalium plæaerorumque non ad-
mittit superfœoetationem, nisi fortè rarissimè: Hinc ex unico patre &et
matre proles quæaecunque nascitur, sive sit una aut plures, ut quoque
ex historiis &et eventu aliter judicantium patet, inprimis Margaritæae
illius Hermanni comitis Hennebergiæae uxoris, quæae anno 1276. tre-
centos &et sexaginta quinque enixa est pueros, quorum omnium ba-
ptisatorum, &et masculorum, Johannis, fœoeminarum Elisabethæae no-
mine vocatorum, post demortuorum sepultura in Lausdunensi
templo, uno miliari distante Haga comitum versus mare, in Hol-
landia, adhuc cum pelvi æaerea, in qua baptizati sint, &et inscriptione
historiæae, adhuc visitur: causam dicunt, quod Comitissa videns pau-
perculam mulierem gemellos in ulnis gestare, eam adulteram vo-
cârit, quasi impossibile fit, ut plures liberi uno conceptu ex uno vi-
ro, sed ex diversis, necessariò ederentur: Unde imprecatione facta
à paupere, quæae se ab eo crimine puram noverat, quotquot dies in
anno sunt, tot ipsa concepit in utero uno tempore &et ex uno viro: Mi-
raculum hoc quidem est, at naturale opus, quod ex divinia ultione
contigit: In opere autem Philosophico quod alias naturæae adver-
sum est, facilè admittitur sub allegoriæae vestimento: Hic enim unus
fœoetus tres dicitur habere patres vel etiam binos, ut &et matres. Hinc
Raymundus, ut citat Rosarius, noster, inquit, infans habet duos
patres &et duas matres: &et quia ipse charè nutritus est ex tota substan-
tia in igne, propter quod nunquam moritur: Ita Dionysus seu Bac-
chus bimater appellatur, quem immaturum combustâ matre ex e-
jus vẽtreventre eripuit &et femori suo insuit, ut pater mater factus sit: Sed
hæaec magis declarãturdeclarantur in Orionis conceptu, ɋqui ex Apollinis, Vulcanii
&et Mercurii commixtis seminibus in pelle bubula inclusis per 10
menses, natus dicitur: Monstrosa hæaec essent omnino, non tantùm
fabulosa, nisi arcanum naturæae sub his involucris lateret, non omnib.omnibus
obvium. Lullius in Theorica testamenti eidem fœoetui Philosophico
tot &et ferè eosdem attribuit patres, nempe Solem, qui est Apollo
sive Sol cœoelestis est primus hujus generationis author, qui virtute
sua inenarrabili &et occulta seu astrali operatur in materiam quan-
dam Philosophis notam, tanquam in matricem mulieris, in eáque
producit filium seu fœoetum sibi similem, cui postea sua arma &et in-
signia virtutum, paterno jure, tradet &et relinquet, hoc est, immatura
maturandi &et non tincta nec purgata, tingendi &et purgandi poten-
tiam. Quicquid enim Sol in mille annis perficit, hoc filius ejus in di-
midia hora præaestabit; Propterea ut vis millecuplo fortior in eo fiat
quàm in Sole, pater eum Vulcano in disciplinam tradit &et artifici si-
mul, ut ab his ejus generosa indoles excolatur &et viribus multiplice-
tur; siquidem constet à teneris assuescere multum esse: Sic Achilles
Jason, Hercules Chironi erudiendi fuêre traditi eandem ob inten-
tionem. Milo enim Crotoniata, qui puer vitulum gestavit, vir bo-
vem sustulit ex consuetudine. Non injuriâ autem, præaeter Solem,
Vulcanus &et artifex hujus pueri vocantur patres, quia primus ut es-
set, hi ut talis &et tantus, effecerunt: Nec verò æaequivalens didactron
magistris solvi potest ob institutionem, ut nec præaemium parenti-
bus ob generationem. Hi corpus, illi animum concinnant. Si ani-
mus potior est corpore, nec illis minor | referẽdareferenda est gratia, quàm his.
In Orionis verò ortu Mercurius materiam, Apollo formam, &et Vul-
canus calorem seu efficientem causam externam præaebuit. Sic quoq;quoque
in opere Philosophico fieri convenit, ut tres patres in unam sobolem
conspirasse videantur, in qua Philosophorum sint delitiæae.
sive Sol cœoelestis est primus hujus generationis author, qui virtute
sua inenarrabili &et occulta seu astrali operatur in materiam quan-
dam Philosophis notam, tanquam in matricem mulieris, in eáque
producit filium seu fœoetum sibi similem, cui postea sua arma &et in-
signia virtutum, paterno jure, tradet &et relinquet, hoc est, immatura
maturandi &et non tincta nec purgata, tingendi &et purgandi poten-
tiam. Quicquid enim Sol in mille annis perficit, hoc filius ejus in di-
midia hora præaestabit; Propterea ut vis millecuplo fortior in eo fiat
quàm in Sole, pater eum Vulcano in disciplinam tradit &et artifici si-
mul, ut ab his ejus generosa indoles excolatur &et viribus multiplice-
tur; siquidem constet à teneris assuescere multum esse: Sic Achilles
Jason, Hercules Chironi erudiendi fuêre traditi eandem ob inten-
tionem. Milo enim Crotoniata, qui puer vitulum gestavit, vir bo-
vem sustulit ex consuetudine. Non injuriâ autem, præaeter Solem,
Vulcanus &et artifex hujus pueri vocantur patres, quia primus ut es-
set, hi ut talis &et tantus, effecerunt: Nec verò æaequivalens didactron
magistris solvi potest ob institutionem, ut nec præaemium parenti-
bus ob generationem. Hi corpus, illi animum concinnant. Si ani-
mus potior est corpore, nec illis minor | referẽdareferenda est gratia, quàm his.
In Orionis verò ortu Mercurius materiam, Apollo formam, &et Vul-
canus calorem seu efficientem causam externam præaebuit. Sic quoq;quoque
in opere Philosophico fieri convenit, ut tres patres in unam sobolem
conspirasse videantur, in qua Philosophorum sint delitiæae.