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EmblemeEmblem 28. Of the Secrets of Nature.

The King sitting in a vaporous bath is bathed, and freed from
melancholy by Pharut.

Engraved by Verovio 2.1.0-dev-[undefined] Hippomenes sequens. Pomum morans. Atalanta fugiens. Rex Rex Due Rex Due nech nech (vi ri Due nech (vi 3 (vi ri dis dis cui ri dis cui cui ful gent ful gent ful gent ar ar ma ar ma Le ma Le o 6 Le o nis) Bi le o nis) Bi nis) Bi le tu mens tu mens ri le tu mens ri gi dis gi dis mo ri gi dis mo ri 9 ri bus u mo ri bus bus u sus e u sus e sus e rat. rat. rat. 12 Hinc Hinc Pha rut Hinc Pha rut ad se Pha rut ad ad se se se me di se se me di cum 15 me di cum vo cat, cum vo cat, vo cat, il il le il le sa le sa lu sa lu tem Spon lu tem Spon tem Spon det, et 18 det, et a ë det, et a ë a ë ri as ri as fon ri as fon te te mi ni fon te mi mi ni strat 21 strat a ni strat a a quas: quas: quas: His His la vat His la vat et re la la vat, et 25 et re la vat, vi tri re la vat, vi vat vi tri o o sub tri o sub sub for ni for ni ce, for ni ce, do 28 ce, do nec Ro do nec Ro nec Ro re ma re ma den ti re ma den den ti om nis om nis bi ti om nis bi 31 lis a bi lis a lis a ba ba cta fu ba cta fui cta fu it. it. it.

EpigrammeEpigram 28.

Prince Duenech, armed with the LyonsLions strength,
Grew melancholickemelancholic and morose at length:
Pharut is sent for to contrive a cure,
Who by a vaporous bath dothdoes health assure;
Which means by frequent use wrought good effect,
And his distempers wholywholly did correct.

Discourse 28.

As there are three concoctions in man, the first in the StomackeStomach, the second
in the Liver, the third in the veins, soeso allsoalso soeso many are the universalluniversal -
evacuations of the excrements, which are correspondent to them, and daily
carry ofoff their superfluityessuperfluities, namely the first by StooleStool, which is proper to
the first concoction, the second by urine, which appertainesappertains to the second,
the third by expiration through the pores of the whole body, or by -
sweat, which is peculiar to the third: In the first the Chyle, in the next the -
Chyme, in the last a dew or dewy substance is elaborated, and applyedapplied to -
every part of the body: The recrements or fæcesfeces of the first are thickethick,
bilious, and fattfat, which are carryedcarried through the bowellsbowels to the backeback dooredoor,
and if they be at any time obstructed, they are moderately or strongly
expelled by gentle purgatives; the excrements of the second are liquid, -
more thinnethin, bilious and saltish, which are brought out of the veins by
the kidnyeskidneys and bladder, as conduits, and the sediment of these is the signesign
or touchstone of urine: The superfluityessuperfluities of the third are yet more -
thinnethin, and therefore doedo for the most part expire of themselves -
through the smallest pores, or are carryedcarried out together with the serum of
the humors, as sweat: These are helpdhelped by sudorifickssudorifics, as the antecedent by -
diureticksdiuretics: To evacuate these last fæcesfeces the ancient Greeks and Romans -
were very solicitous: For to this end were soeso many sports and exercises used
by them, as chafing of all the parts in the morning, anoyntinganointing with oyleoil, -
and wrastlingwrestling, fencing, the exercise of running, of hand=-ballhandball, tennicetennis, dai=
ly washing and bathing in rivers or artificiallartificial baths, for the conveniency
of which were soeso many magnificent structures built at Rome, that weewe
can rather admire than imitate them: As for example the baths of Dio=
clesian, which for the most part are yet remaining, and (if I be not -
mistaken) pourtrayedportrayed with ArchangellsArchangels, soeso high, sumptuous, and splendid
were the workesworks: The sorts of concoctions in the elaboration of metallsmetals are -
allmostalmost the same, as those aforesaydaforesaid: for the first is in its way effected -
in annus magnus, that is, the revolution of the highest Sphere, the se=
cond in the revolution of the lowest, the third in the revolution of the
midlemiddle Sphere: But the Philosophers to draw forth this massemass of excrementitious
superfluityessuperfluities more coḿodiouslycommodiously by the ministery of art, doedo invent allsoalso -
severallseveral wayesways, as ablutions, purgations, balneations and laconickslaconica, by which
they have performdperformed that in the PhilosophicallPhilosophical workework, which PhysitiansPhysicians
have in mans body: Duenech therefore


Discourse 28.

is introduced into the bath by -
Pharut, there to sweat, and evacuate the fæcesfeces of the third concoction -
through the pores: Now this Kings distemper is melancholickemelancholic or atrabilary, -
whereby heehe is of lesseless authority and esteemeesteem than all other princes, being
taxed with the morosity of SaturneSaturn, and the choler or passion of Mars: -
heehe hathhas therefore a desire either to dyedie or be cured, if it be possible: -
Amongst many PhysitiansPhysicians one being found, who undertookeundertook this charge
upon himselfehimself, heehe was brought with entreatyesentreaties and rewards: And this Allegory
is very frequent in the writings of the Philosophers, as of Bernard, Alanus, in the
treatise of Duenech, and innumerable others; weewe therefore add noeno other cir=
cumstances which might be derived from them: it is sufficient here to have ob=
served, the excrement of which coction may be evacuated by balneation: for
herein consists the substance of the whole matter: Heat included in the body
is coḿonlycommonly reduced to the superficies of the skinneskin together with the blood in
hotthot stoves or baths, whereby a beautifullbeautiful complexion is acquired to the face -
and whole body; which if it appear, will be a signesign, that the melancholickemelancholic
blacknesseblackness, which infects the skinneskin, may by degrees be evacuated, and all
the humors corrected, that pure and rosy blood may afterwards be genera=
ted: The whole temperament of his body must necessarily be amended, -
because it resists good blood, and is cold and dry, that on the contrary being
hotthot and moist, which whether it can be done or noeno, it is convenient for
a PhysitianPhysician to foreknow and foretell by prognosticksprognostics: Some men are found
who have taken Cerdon for the great Prince or Kings SonneSon, but they have -
at length by certainecertain signs perceived what heehe was in descent and educa=
tion: lest this should happen, the artist must be carefullcareful in the first place
to choose the true offspring of the King, which though heehe be not in splen=
did and golden attire, but in despicable and meanemean cloathingclothing, as allsoalso of a -
livid and melancholickemelancholic complexion, let him not therefore reject him, or -
take another in his roomeroom; for if heehe be very well washdwashed, his royallroyal ge=
nius will soonesoon appear, as in Cyrus, Paris, Romulus, who were educated -
amongst rusticksrustics: But by way of observation the bath must be a LaconickeLaconicum, -
that is, vaporous and sudorifickesudorific, that the water may not burneburn his tender flesh, or
obstruct the pores, whereby more damage than utility would ensue, and his malady
not be cured: As for the Kings garments to be put on after bathing let noeno man
be solicitous; for as the daughter of King Alcinous did in times past contribute -
cloathsclothes to Ulysses being shipwreckdshipwrecked and naked, soeso will there be one that will -
send him most pretiousprecious robes, that heehe may deservedly be acknowledged the -
SonneSon of Sol . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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