EmblemeEmblem 44. Of the Secrets of Nature.
Typhon kills OsyrisOsiris by deceiptdeceit, and dispersethdisperses the parts of his body on
all sides, but the famous Isis gathered them together.
Emblema XLIV. De Secretis Naturæae.
Dolo Typhon Osyridem trucidat, artúsque illius
Hinc inde dissipat, sed hos collegit Isis inclyta.
FUGA XLIV. in 5. seu 12. suprà. Basi sola proportione existente.
Durch Betrug Typhon Osirim tödtet / und seine Glieder
zerstrewet / welche widerumb zusammen bringt die Isis,
so weit berümbt.

EpigrammeEpigram 44.
Adonis Syria, Greece hathhas DionyseDionysus,
ÆgyptEgypt, OsyrisOsiris, all the SunneSun o'thof the wise:
Isis, OsyrisOsiris into peicespieces cuttcut
By cruellcruel Typhon, all together puttput:
But the productive part is lost i'thin the Sea,
For Sulphur Sulphur's father's fled away.
Epigramma XLIV.
Syria Adonidem habet, Dionysum Græaecia, Osirim
ÆAegyptus, qui sunt nil nisi Sol Sophiæae:
Isis adest soror, &et conjunx ac mater Osiris,
Cujus membra Typhon dissecat, illa ligat.
Defluit at pudibunda mari pars, sparsa per undas,
Sulphur enim, Sulphur quod generavit, abest.
XLIV. Epigrammatis Latini versio Germanica.
Syrien Adonim hat / Dionysum Griechenland eben /
Egypten Osirim, so seynd die Sonn den Weisen geben /
Die Isis ist die Schwester / auch Mutter und Osiridis Weib /
Welchs Glieder der Typhon theilt / sie wider fügt in ein Leib /
Ihm aber gebrach das Glied deß Manns / im Wasser verlohren /
Dann der SchwebelSchwefel vergeht / so den SchwebelSchwefel gebohren.
The allegory of OsyrisOsiris weewe have elswhereelsewhere (namely in the first
bookebook of HieroglyphicksHieroglyphics) reduced to its true originalloriginal, which is
ChymicallChymical, and fully explaindexplained it: Wherefore here to repeat the
same things (though the same things ought to be spoken of the -
same things) weewe judge superfluous: but neverthelessenevertheless weewe will
here formeform a parallellparallel discourse, which will allwayesalways be and re=
maineremain within the prisons of that ancient ChymyChymia, which is solely
decanted and decipered by the PoettsPoets: Will you perswadepersuade meeme -
that OsyrisOsiris was a God, or King of the ÆgyptiansEgyptians? I will not be=
leivebelieve, though you perswadepersuade meeme to beleivebelieve; For doggsdogs (as it is in -
the Proverb) smell farrefar otherwise, farrefar otherwise Swine: I doedo
plainly deny him to be a God, and you will ascentassent to meeme, unlesseunless
you be a heathen, or of an opinion contradictory to right reason:
And that heehe was noeno King, is demonstrated by all the circum=
stances which are elswhereelsewhere considered: The SunneSun heehe is, but -
PhilosophicallPhilosophical, the name of which being in many authors often at=
tributed to it, the vulgar, who know noeno other light but that of the -
world, have interpreted for it. The Philosophers SunneSun hathhas denomi=
nation from the SunneSun of the world, because it contains the propertyesproperties
of nature descending from that cœlestiallcelestial SunneSun, or agreableagreeable to it: OsyrisOsiris
therefore, Dionysus, Bacchus, Jupiter, Mars, Adonis, ŒdipusOedipus, Perseus, Achil=
les, Triptolemus, Pelops, Hippomenes, and Pollux are the SunneSun: but -
Isis, Juno, Venus, the mother of ŒdipusOedipus, Danaë, Deidamia, Atalanta,
Helena, the MooneMoon; as allsoalso Latona, Semele, Europa, Leda, Antiope -
Thalia. And these are the parts of the compound, which before ope=
ration is called Stone, and by the name of every metallmetal, Magnesia: -
After operation, Orcus, Pyrrhus, Apollo, ÆsculapiusAesculapius. The adjuncts are -
Typhon, Python, the Boar: The Artists are Hercules, UlissessUlysses, Jason, -
Theseus, Pyrithous: The labourslabors and perillsperils, which were undergone by
these artists, are innumerable: The labourslabors of Hercules, the errourserrors of
Ulysses, the perillsperils of Jason, the attempts of Theseus, and the remora's of
Pyrithous may be seen: This is the great volume of matter and doc=
trine, through which in every page Vulcan, Mercury, and SaturneSaturn doedo
runnerun backwards and forwards, the first, as the father and cause of all,
without which nothing is effected, the second, as the matter and formeform,
the third, as the efficient. Sol takes his sister Luna to wife: Jupiter Juno,
as SaturneSaturn Rhea, and OsyrisOsiris Isis: Dionysus is rippdripped out of his mother Se=
mele being burnt by the lighteninglightning of Jove to be matured in the -
thigh of Jupiter his father, ÆsculapiusAesculapius out of Coronis his Mother: Dio=
Discourse 44.
The allegory of OsyrisOsiris weewe have elswhereelsewhere (namely in the first
bookebook of HieroglyphicksHieroglyphics) reduced to its true originalloriginal, which is
ChymicallChymical, and fully explaindexplained it: Wherefore here to repeat the
same things (though the same things ought to be spoken of the -
same things) weewe judge superfluous: but neverthelessenevertheless weewe will
here formeform a parallellparallel discourse, which will allwayesalways be and re=
maineremain within the prisons of that ancient ChymyChymia, which is solely
decanted and decipered by the PoettsPoets: Will you perswadepersuade meeme -
that OsyrisOsiris was a God, or King of the ÆgyptiansEgyptians? I will not be=
leivebelieve, though you perswadepersuade meeme to beleivebelieve; For doggsdogs (as it is in -
the Proverb) smell farrefar otherwise, farrefar otherwise Swine: I doedo
plainly deny him to be a God, and you will ascentassent to meeme, unlesseunless
you be a heathen, or of an opinion contradictory to right reason:
And that heehe was noeno King, is demonstrated by all the circum=
stances which are elswhereelsewhere considered: The SunneSun heehe is, but -
PhilosophicallPhilosophical, the name of which being in many authors often at=
tributed to it, the vulgar, who know noeno other light but that of the -
world, have interpreted for it. The Philosophers SunneSun hathhas denomi=
nation from the SunneSun of the world, because it contains the propertyesproperties
of nature descending from that cœlestiallcelestial SunneSun, or agreableagreeable to it: OsyrisOsiris
therefore, Dionysus, Bacchus, Jupiter, Mars, Adonis, ŒdipusOedipus, Perseus, Achil=
les, Triptolemus, Pelops, Hippomenes, and Pollux are the SunneSun: but -
Isis, Juno, Venus, the mother of ŒdipusOedipus, Danaë, Deidamia, Atalanta,
Helena, the MooneMoon; as allsoalso Latona, Semele, Europa, Leda, Antiope -
Thalia. And these are the parts of the compound, which before ope=
ration is called Stone, and by the name of every metallmetal, Magnesia: -
After operation, Orcus, Pyrrhus, Apollo, ÆsculapiusAesculapius. The adjuncts are -
Typhon, Python, the Boar: The Artists are Hercules, UlissessUlysses, Jason, -
Theseus, Pyrithous: The labourslabors and perillsperils, which were undergone by
these artists, are innumerable: The labourslabors of Hercules, the errourserrors of
Ulysses, the perillsperils of Jason, the attempts of Theseus, and the remora's of
Pyrithous may be seen: This is the great volume of matter and doc=
trine, through which in every page Vulcan, Mercury, and SaturneSaturn doedo
runnerun backwards and forwards, the first, as the father and cause of all,
without which nothing is effected, the second, as the matter and formeform,
the third, as the efficient. Sol takes his sister Luna to wife: Jupiter Juno,
as SaturneSaturn Rhea, and OsyrisOsiris Isis: Dionysus is rippdripped out of his mother Se=
mele being burnt by the lighteninglightning of Jove to be matured in the -
thigh of Jupiter his father, ÆsculapiusAesculapius out of Coronis his Mother: Dio=
Discourse 44.
coming to maturity shewsshows men a new way of drinking wine, un=
dertaking an expedition even to the IndyesIndies; OsyrisOsiris and Triptolemus,
the sowing and use of fruit, ÆsculapiusAesculapius, the administration of Me=
dicine: Dionysus soeso calldcalled by the Greeks, is Bacchus with the Romans, -
with the ÆgyptiansEgyptians OsyrisOsiris, with the Syrians Adonis. ŒdipusOedipus killdkilled his father
and marrydmarried his mother; Perseus slew his Grand=-fatherGrandfather, Typhon his bro=
ther OsyrisOsiris, a Boar Adonis, Ceres the nurcenurse of Triptolemus his father
Eleusius; Hippomenes obtainedovercame Atalanta by a golden apple. Tantalus
the father of Pelops obtained Hippodamia by the dispute of a ChariottChariot.
OsyrisOsiris was cuttcut in peicespieces, and joynedjoined together againeagain by Isis his mother,
sister, and wife. The child Pelops was boyldboiled and dressddressed, and his shoulder
eaten by Ceres, and againeagain restordrestored to life, an ivory shoulder being added:
Achilles and Triptolemus were put under coals of fire by night, and in
the day time nourished with milkemilk, AchillesTriptolemus by Ceres his NurceNurse, Tripto=
lemusAchilles by his mother Thetis: Achilles and Helena were the causes of the
TrojaneTrojan warrewar, 1Achilles, 5as 6impulsive, 4Helena, 2as 3efficientAchilles, as efficient Helena, as impulsive; Helena was
hatchdhatched of an eggeegg, and at the nuptiallsnuptials of Peleus and Thetis, from whom
Achilles descended, the apple of Eris, the first cause of the rape of -
Helena, was thrownethrown about. Pollux was with the Argonauts, who (if they
lived) are præsupposedpresupposed to have lived near fifty years before the be=
giningbeginning of the TrojaneTrojan warrewar, and Helena with Pollux came both
out of one eggeegg; Helena therefore was an old woman when she was
ravishdravished by Paris: Medea was marrydmarried to Achilles in the Elysian feildsfields,
then an old toothlessetoothless woman: unlesseunless perhaps SheeShe restored youth to
herselfeherself, as SheeShe did to ÆsonAeson, the father of Jason, and as Ceres to Pe=
lops, for which reason heehe is saydsaid to become twice young: Perseus re=
ceivdreceived a flying horse from Pallas, and in recompence brought her
the head of Medusa, to whomewhom Mercury gave a SemitarScimitar, and
other Gods other weapons; Ceres gave Triptolemus a chariot -
with flying Dragons: When Pallas was borneborn of Jupiters brainebrain,
as allsoalso when Sol lay with Venus it rained gold at Rhodes; -
And Jupiter in the formeform of a golden shower had coition with
Danae, as a SwanneSwan compressed Leda, as a CuckowCuckoo his Sister -
Juno, as a Bull Europa, as a SatyreSatyr Antiope, and soeso there
is cohærencecoherence in all . . . . . . . . . .
dertaking an expedition even to the IndyesIndies; OsyrisOsiris and Triptolemus,
the sowing and use of fruit, ÆsculapiusAesculapius, the administration of Me=
dicine: Dionysus soeso calldcalled by the Greeks, is Bacchus with the Romans, -
with the ÆgyptiansEgyptians OsyrisOsiris, with the Syrians Adonis. ŒdipusOedipus killdkilled his father
and marrydmarried his mother; Perseus slew his Grand=-fatherGrandfather, Typhon his bro=
ther OsyrisOsiris, a Boar Adonis, Ceres the nurcenurse of Triptolemus his father
Eleusius; Hippomenes obtainedovercame Atalanta by a golden apple. Tantalus
the father of Pelops obtained Hippodamia by the dispute of a ChariottChariot.
OsyrisOsiris was cuttcut in peicespieces, and joynedjoined together againeagain by Isis his mother,
sister, and wife. The child Pelops was boyldboiled and dressddressed, and his shoulder
eaten by Ceres, and againeagain restordrestored to life, an ivory shoulder being added:
Achilles and Triptolemus were put under coals of fire by night, and in
the day time nourished with milkemilk, AchillesTriptolemus by Ceres his NurceNurse, Tripto=
lemusAchilles by his mother Thetis: Achilles and Helena were the causes of the
TrojaneTrojan warrewar, 1Achilles, 5as 6impulsive, 4Helena, 2as 3efficientAchilles, as efficient Helena, as impulsive; Helena was
hatchdhatched of an eggeegg, and at the nuptiallsnuptials of Peleus and Thetis, from whom
Achilles descended, the apple of Eris, the first cause of the rape of -
Helena, was thrownethrown about. Pollux was with the Argonauts, who (if they
lived) are præsupposedpresupposed to have lived near fifty years before the be=
giningbeginning of the TrojaneTrojan warrewar, and Helena with Pollux came both
out of one eggeegg; Helena therefore was an old woman when she was
ravishdravished by Paris: Medea was marrydmarried to Achilles in the Elysian feildsfields,
then an old toothlessetoothless woman: unlesseunless perhaps SheeShe restored youth to
herselfeherself, as SheeShe did to ÆsonAeson, the father of Jason, and as Ceres to Pe=
lops, for which reason heehe is saydsaid to become twice young: Perseus re=
ceivdreceived a flying horse from Pallas, and in recompence brought her
the head of Medusa, to whomewhom Mercury gave a SemitarScimitar, and
other Gods other weapons; Ceres gave Triptolemus a chariot -
with flying Dragons: When Pallas was borneborn of Jupiters brainebrain,
as allsoalso when Sol lay with Venus it rained gold at Rhodes; -
And Jupiter in the formeform of a golden shower had coition with
Danae, as a SwanneSwan compressed Leda, as a CuckowCuckoo his Sister -
Juno, as a Bull Europa, as a SatyreSatyr Antiope, and soeso there
is cohærencecoherence in all . . . . . . . . . .
Osyridis allegoriam alibi, nempe in 1. lib.libro Hieroglyph.Hieroglyphicorum ad suam
veram originem, quæae Chymica est, reduximus &et plenariè ex-
plicavimus. Quocirca hic eadem repetere (quamvis eadem de iisdẽiisdem
dici debeãtdebeant) supervacaneum arbitramur. At nihilominùs discursum
hi instituemus parallelum, ɋqui intra carceres Antiquæae Chymiæae (quęquae
tota poëtis decantata &et figurata est) semper versabitur &et manebit.
Osyridem tu mihi Deum, aut regem ÆAegyptium persuadebis? Non
credam, etiamsi persuaseris, ut credam: Longè aliter enim canes,
longè aliter (ut est in proverbio) sues olent: Deum planè nego, &et tu
mihi assentiêris, nisi sis Ethnicus aut distortæae à recta ratione opinio-
nis. Regem nec fuisse, demonstratur ex circumstantiis omnib.omnibus quæae
alibi considerantur: Sol est, sed Philos.Philosophicus cujus nomen cùm illi passim
attributum legatur, vulgares, qui nullum alium nisi mundanum il-
lud lumen noverunt, pro eo interpretati sunt. A sole mundi sol Phi-
losophorum denominationem habet, quia proprietates naturæae ab
illo sole cœoelesti descendentes, aut ei convenientes, continet. Sol ita-
que Osyris est, Dionysus, Bac[c]chus, Jupiter, Mars, Adonis, Oedypus,
Perseus, Achilles, Triptolemus, Pelops, Hippomenes, Pollux. Luna
verò Isis, Juno, Venus, mater Oedypi, Danaë, Deidamia, Atalanta,
Helena: Item Latona, Semele, Europa, Leda, Antiope, Thalia. Atq;Atque
hæae sunt compositi partes, quod ante operationem lapis dicitur, &et
nomine omnis metalli, Magnesia: post operationem, Orcus, Pyr-
rhus, Apollo, ÆAesculapius. Adjuncta sunt, Typhon, Python, Aper:
Artifex Hercules, Ulysses, Jason, Theseus, Pyrithous: Labores &et
pericula innumera, quæae ab his artificibus exantlata fuere. Videan-
tur Herculis labores, Ulyssis errores, Jasonis pericula, Thesei cona-
tus &et Pyrithoi remoræae. Magnum hoc est materiæae &et doctrinæae volu-
men, per quod Vulcanus, Mercurius &et Saturnus omnibus paginis
currunt &et recurrunt, hic ut pater omnium &et causa, sine qua non, ille,
ut materia &et forma, iste, ut efficiens. Sol ducit sororem lunam in u-
xorem. Jupiter Junonem, ut Saturnus Rheam, &et Osyris Isidem:
Dionysus ex matre Semele combusta fulmine Jovis eripitur imma-
turandus in femore Jovis patris, ÆAesculapius ex Coronide matre:
Osyridis allegoriam alibi, nempe in 1. lib.libro Hieroglyph.Hieroglyphicorum ad suam
veram originem, quæae Chymica est, reduximus &et plenariè ex-
plicavimus. Quocirca hic eadem repetere (quamvis eadem de iisdẽiisdem
dici debeãtdebeant) supervacaneum arbitramur. At nihilominùs discursum
hi instituemus parallelum, ɋqui intra carceres Antiquæae Chymiæae (quęquae
tota poëtis decantata &et figurata est) semper versabitur &et manebit.
Osyridem tu mihi Deum, aut regem ÆAegyptium persuadebis? Non
credam, etiamsi persuaseris, ut credam: Longè aliter enim canes,
longè aliter (ut est in proverbio) sues olent: Deum planè nego, &et tu
mihi assentiêris, nisi sis Ethnicus aut distortæae à recta ratione opinio-
nis. Regem nec fuisse, demonstratur ex circumstantiis omnib.omnibus quæae
alibi considerantur: Sol est, sed Philos.Philosophicus cujus nomen cùm illi passim
attributum legatur, vulgares, qui nullum alium nisi mundanum il-
lud lumen noverunt, pro eo interpretati sunt. A sole mundi sol Phi-
losophorum denominationem habet, quia proprietates naturæae ab
illo sole cœoelesti descendentes, aut ei convenientes, continet. Sol ita-
que Osyris est, Dionysus, Bac[c]chus, Jupiter, Mars, Adonis, Oedypus,
Perseus, Achilles, Triptolemus, Pelops, Hippomenes, Pollux. Luna
verò Isis, Juno, Venus, mater Oedypi, Danaë, Deidamia, Atalanta,
Helena: Item Latona, Semele, Europa, Leda, Antiope, Thalia. Atq;Atque
hæae sunt compositi partes, quod ante operationem lapis dicitur, &et
nomine omnis metalli, Magnesia: post operationem, Orcus, Pyr-
rhus, Apollo, ÆAesculapius. Adjuncta sunt, Typhon, Python, Aper:
Artifex Hercules, Ulysses, Jason, Theseus, Pyrithous: Labores &et
pericula innumera, quæae ab his artificibus exantlata fuere. Videan-
tur Herculis labores, Ulyssis errores, Jasonis pericula, Thesei cona-
tus &et Pyrithoi remoræae. Magnum hoc est materiæae &et doctrinæae volu-
men, per quod Vulcanus, Mercurius &et Saturnus omnibus paginis
currunt &et recurrunt, hic ut pater omnium &et causa, sine qua non, ille,
ut materia &et forma, iste, ut efficiens. Sol ducit sororem lunam in u-
xorem. Jupiter Junonem, ut Saturnus Rheam, &et Osyris Isidem:
Dionysus ex matre Semele combusta fulmine Jovis eripitur imma-
turandus in femore Jovis patris, ÆAesculapius ex Coronide matre:
Dionysus adultus novam vini potionem monstrat hominibus usq;usque
in Indiam expeditionem suscipiens; Osiris &et Triptolemus, frugum
seminationem &et usum, ÆAesculapius, medicinæae administrationem:
Dionysus Græaecis sic dictus, Romanis Bacchus est, ÆAegtypiis Osiris,
Syriis Adonis. Oedypus patrem occîdit, &et matrem duxit; Perseus
avum interemit, Typhon fratrem Osirim, aper Adonim, Ceres
nutrix Triptolemi patrem ejus Eleusium; Hippomenes pomo au-
reo Atalantam vicit, Tantalus pater Pelopis Hippodamiam curruli
certamine obtinuit. Osiris in partes dissectus &et ab Iside matre, soro-
re &et conjuge iterùm conjunctus fuit. Pelops puer coctus &et bullitus
humero à Cerere depasto vitæae restitutus, addito humero eburneo:
Achilles &et Triptolemus sub carbonibus noctu positi, &et interdiu la-
cte nutriti sunt, hic à Cerere nutrice, ille à Thetide matre: Achilles &et
Helena Trojani belli causæae fuerunt, hæaec ut impulsiva, ille ut effi-
ciens; Helena nata ex ovo est, &et in Pelei &et Thetidis nuptiis, ex quib.quibus
Achilles natus, pomum Eridos, prima causa raptus Helenæae, proje-
ctum fuit. Pollux adfuit Argonautis, qui quinquaginta ferè annis
ante bellem Trojanum inceptum vixisse præaesupponuntur (si vixe-
rint) &et Helena cum Polluce ex uno ovo prodiit; Fuit itaque anus
Helena, cùm raperetur à Paride: Achilli in Elysiis campis Medea
nupsit, tum anus edentula: nisi fortè sibi juventem restituit, ut ÆAe-
soni, Jasonis patri, &et Ceres Pelopi, unde bis pubescens appellatur:
Perseus alatum equum accepit à Pallade, eiq́ue caput Medusæae in
remunerationem attulit, cui Mercurius harpen, &et alii Dii alia arma
ministrârunt, Triptolemus à Cerere currum cum draconibus alatis:
Ex Jovis cerebro Pallade nata Rhodi pluit aurum, ut &et Sole concũ-
bente cum Venere; Et Jupiter, ut aurum compressit Danaen, ut
Cygnus Ledam, ut cuculus sororem Junonem; ut Taurus Euro-
pam, ut Satyrus Antiopen, &et sic concordantia est in omnibus.
Dionysus adultus novam vini potionem monstrat hominibus usq;usque
in Indiam expeditionem suscipiens; Osiris &et Triptolemus, frugum
seminationem &et usum, ÆAesculapius, medicinæae administrationem:
Dionysus Græaecis sic dictus, Romanis Bacchus est, ÆAegtypiis Osiris,
Syriis Adonis. Oedypus patrem occîdit, &et matrem duxit; Perseus
avum interemit, Typhon fratrem Osirim, aper Adonim, Ceres
nutrix Triptolemi patrem ejus Eleusium; Hippomenes pomo au-
reo Atalantam vicit, Tantalus pater Pelopis Hippodamiam curruli
certamine obtinuit. Osiris in partes dissectus &et ab Iside matre, soro-
re &et conjuge iterùm conjunctus fuit. Pelops puer coctus &et bullitus
humero à Cerere depasto vitæae restitutus, addito humero eburneo:
Achilles &et Triptolemus sub carbonibus noctu positi, &et interdiu la-
cte nutriti sunt, hic à Cerere nutrice, ille à Thetide matre: Achilles &et
Helena Trojani belli causæae fuerunt, hæaec ut impulsiva, ille ut effi-
ciens; Helena nata ex ovo est, &et in Pelei &et Thetidis nuptiis, ex quib.quibus
Achilles natus, pomum Eridos, prima causa raptus Helenæae, proje-
ctum fuit. Pollux adfuit Argonautis, qui quinquaginta ferè annis
ante bellem Trojanum inceptum vixisse præaesupponuntur (si vixe-
rint) &et Helena cum Polluce ex uno ovo prodiit; Fuit itaque anus
Helena, cùm raperetur à Paride: Achilli in Elysiis campis Medea
nupsit, tum anus edentula: nisi fortè sibi juventem restituit, ut ÆAe-
soni, Jasonis patri, &et Ceres Pelopi, unde bis pubescens appellatur:
Perseus alatum equum accepit à Pallade, eiq́ue caput Medusæae in
remunerationem attulit, cui Mercurius harpen, &et alii Dii alia arma
ministrârunt, Triptolemus à Cerere currum cum draconibus alatis:
Ex Jovis cerebro Pallade nata Rhodi pluit aurum, ut &et Sole concũ-
bente cum Venere; Et Jupiter, ut aurum compressit Danaen, ut
Cygnus Ledam, ut cuculus sororem Junonem; ut Taurus Euro-
pam, ut Satyrus Antiopen, &et sic concordantia est in omnibus.